Myers Briggs – I’m special – just like everyone else.

This blog is from my graduate school site: I’m asked to blog along the way for several my classes. Although, I have neglected this site, I am writing elsewhere. 

As we move towards more group work in my information technology class, we students were asked to do a Meyers Briggs test. I took this in college in a service organization, and a few years later at a teacher training. At the age of 30, the questions were familiar, and I knew my answers had changed over the years. Quiz here.

What was once a big deal, is no longer. I trust my gut more than I did in my early twenties. I wish I could find what I was before saved away in my computer, but I didn’t save that information. I am a ENFJ.

Feeling – 50%

Extravert – 44%

iNtuitive – 12%

Perceiving – 11%

According to the description, I am a person with charisma and great interpersonal skills. “ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.” (Joe Butt). For the last several years, I’ve wanted to get a tattoo that says “Carry One Another.” The first time I went to Ecclesia in Houston, they did a stations of the cross in tattoos. The outlines are available online for general use. In this particular station, the cross becomes difficult for Jesus to carry, and Simon steps in to help carry his burden. This station has always resonated with me, and when I saw this tattoo, I felt touched to the core. I want to live my life in a way in which I am able to carry the burdens of those I love. I want to be strong enough to know when it is time to also allow others to help me with my cross.


I digress, but I used to feel as though I wasn’t good enough because I wasn’t as logical or decisive as others. Feeling dominates my personality, and that is okay. To receive results on a personality quiz that says I shall know and appreciate others, often neglecting myself, makes me proud of knowing who I am. On the site, it says the trademark statement for ENFJs is “The first shall be last.” So, in a group, I may be first to get us organized, but last to get my part done. I’m understanding that group members have different backgrounds and bring different strengths to the table.

I look forward to learning the personalities of my group members, and learning my own strengths and playing to them.

I have yet to get this tattoo because I am scared; one day I will be brave and follow through. It will look great. 


We moved to Florida.

Graduate school and teaching has been kicking my butt for the last two years. I was in a perpetual state of being overwhelmed. I knew it would pass, but I couldn’t sacrifice effort in teaching. I couldn’t spend less time on my school assignments. Every week, I made great lesson plans, which unfortunately resulted in great papers to grade. I was spending my weekends catching up and forgetting to breathe.

In January, JMO got a job with FantasyPros. He loves sports and he loves coding, it is the perfect gig for him. I still had several graduate classes to go to finish my masters and an internship. We decided that I should take a year off from teaching and focus on finishing this degree. Then, we realized he could work from home anywhere and I could intern anywhere a school would take me. So, we came to live on the beach. My grandparents are about thirty minutes away and we get to see them two or three days a week. This time with them has been such a gift. Grandparents are different people when you grow up, life can be discussed, dinners made, and no one is busy cleaning up all the toys.

My grandparent’s house is a hub for all the family, and JMO and I have gotten to spend quality time with lots of Pickerts this summer. Also, having a place by the beach brings in a lot of friends! It has been great to be able to enjoy the beach with so many people we care about. Now that the summer has ended, our company has stopped. I’m back to school work, interning, and helping out my grandparents. JMO is working from home. This past summer was full of glorious experiences. We’re here until July 30, 2015, at which time we will return to Houston and be real grown-ups.


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So, yes we moved and yes we will be back. If you want to come stay at Casa Oswalt, send us an email! We love special time with friends and family!