Yesterday I went to the gym. That is really the root of the problem. Since working later in the morning, I have planned to try to go to a Step, Pilates, Weights or whatever class and never actually have. Five months of saying I will go to a class and yesterday I did. I got my ass kicked. And then on the way home I really got my ass kicked. The man in the ambulance told me I would be sore tomorrow (which is now today). I told him I had done lunges and weights, so yes I would be in extra pain.
The story: I was blindly following the car in front of me. I have no recollection of looking at the color of the light. Turns out car in front of me ran the light, so I super ran the light. Then oncoming traffic runs into me. I spin around and wind up on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. I was a complete hysterical mess. It took me about 2 hours to calm down. JMO came immediately, the photos above are his fine work, and he also wrote down all the important info. He is one fab boy. Then he bought me a sandwich. Then I spent the rest of the day on the phone.
Today: Rental car was picked up in the pouring rain, this was terrifying. My car was signed away to USAA, it is officially their “total loss” now. It turns out everyone has an opinion on cars, loans, leases, safety, gas mileage, and running red lights.
Now I shall wait and see how long the hassle of wrecking a car remains a complete hassle.