Happy Day After Father's Day

This is one of my favorite pictures of my dad. He is milking a fake cow at a museum and he looks like it is the funnest thing he has ever done. Like my brother, he doesn’t smile in pictures, so when you get either one of them generally happy, you get something like this. The smile never happens in a family picture – just of them doing something slightly absurd.

My dad spend a good chunk of his weekend talking about all of the history of the US with me. He went more in depth than the text I was looking over and had some interesting historical insight. Then he reminded me I need to buy a car.

I’m lucky to have him. Happy day after your day Dad!


I am currently trying to make some changes in my life and everything is turning out to be harder and more complicated than I anticipated. It is already June 9th and I have the majority of my summer planned by what must be completed each week and weekend to make my goals for Fall.

In the past two years, I have experienced and learned a lot, but I got comfortable. And although I am prone to anxiety, my intense anxiety has been on a hiatus. I have had a similar routine since graduating, I first worked days for a year and a half and now I work 11-7. I have worked out regularly and then stopped and back and forth and back and forth. I’ve had countless dinners and happy hours. I have driven to San Antonio for weekends with my momma and to Katy for meals and board games with the Oswalts. Now I am attempting to shake things up. To do list items that were labeled as “easy” when given a spot on the calendar are turning out to be timely and difficult.

Let this serve as a notification to all those who endure my craziness. The FEAR is here.

Magnolias in Savannah calm THE FEAR, I think I should have just stayed there for the summer.

Christian and me.

I think after this I will be done stalking Sandra’s family for a bit. But… isn’t he the cutest baby? She really does know how to make some good looking kids. Christian didn’t want to open his eyes the whole time we were there, but I hear they are blue. He is just some peaceful and calm, like his mother.

Baby momma. X2.

This girl is going to be a mom, AGAIN. Six years ago I thought she was too cool to be my friend. We lived in an apartment together sophomore year after a random sequence of events. I learned that no one is as honest as Sandra Vela. I learned that there is no need to freak out (even though there isn’t a need- I still did it). I learned to stay out later and meet people I didn’t think I would befriend. Sandra included me in her family’s dinners and vacations, and my family included her. My mother expected to see Sandra when she came to town. When Sandra was pregnant with Devin, I gained weight right a long with her. If she was stopping through a drive thru, she would call me. The Jr. double cheeseburger is still a fast food cheeseburger, my brain thought I was saving my waistline by saying “junior.”

I cried when Sandra moved out. I also cried when she gave me the play by play of childbirth during a $5 call from Mexico (I was in Mexico- not Sandra). I watched Sandra turn into a mother. I don’t know many kids, but Devin is an great one. Devin has spunk. So does his momma. I can’t wait to meet baby Christian soon. I can’t wait to see how Devin likes being a big brother.

Sandra Vela (I refuse to say Sandra Pree): I am proud to be your friend and proud to know your children. You are the hottest mom around.

CARPOOL. Best Organization ever.

Saturday evening JMO and I attended the CARPOOL Gala. It was more enjoyable two years out of school than it was one year out. Last year it made me miss CARPOOL, miss the experiences, the friends, the feeling of satisfaction and being important. This year, I felt old and although I still greatly miss being a member and a leader in the organization I now feel intense pride in being part of the history of the safe ride program.

CARPOOL is truly unique, not only in what they do, giving anyone a ride home that needs it, but the collection of people that make it happen. I’m proud to write them a check and I’m proud to introduce myself to a current member as a former member. I still beam with pride when I explain to coworker what I spent my college years doing. I learned more from CARPOOL than I’ve learned from school or my job. CARPOOL taught me how to manage people, manage funds, manage rides and cars. CARPOOL brought be closer to the friends I made freshman year and made me countless more. When JMO and I started dating, I told him it would never work because it was not worth feeling weird at CARPOOL. Turns out it didn’t make CP weird.

If you want to donate to CARPOOL. It would make me happy.

My car is no more.

Yesterday I went to the gym. That is really the root of the problem. Since working later in the morning, I have planned to try to go to a Step, Pilates, Weights or whatever class and never actually have. Five months of saying I will go to a class and yesterday I did. I got my ass kicked. And then on the way home I really got my ass kicked. The man in the ambulance told me I would be sore tomorrow (which is now today). I told him I had done lunges and weights, so yes I would be in extra pain.
The story: I was blindly following the car in front of me. I have no recollection of looking at the color of the light. Turns out car in front of me ran the light, so I super ran the light. Then oncoming traffic runs into me. I spin around and wind up on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the street. I was a complete hysterical mess. It took me about 2 hours to calm down. JMO came immediately, the photos above are his fine work, and he also wrote down all the important info. He is one fab boy. Then he bought me a sandwich. Then I spent the rest of the day on the phone.
Today: Rental car was picked up in the pouring rain, this was terrifying. My car was signed away to USAA, it is officially their “total loss” now. It turns out everyone has an opinion on cars, loans, leases, safety, gas mileage, and running red lights.

Now I shall wait and see how long the hassle of wrecking a car remains a complete hassle.