Tooth brushing.

Devin came to hang out with me the other night. He went to the bathroom and pulled the stool to the sink. When I came to check on him, he was using my toothbrush.
He was very proud that he got the toothpaste himself. He took enough for a week’s worth of brushing.
Maybe dental school is in his future?

Sandra has that baby.

Christian has learned in two days of life how to pick his nose already. At least he’s gotten fairly close to the concept. I can’t even grasp that this child was in Sandra’s stomach yesterday. He is here.
Christine was really nervous, but look how good she is! Everyone who holds the baby beams, it is just how it works. He is a magical baby that makes you smile.

Sandra refused to be photographed, but she still looked amazing. Sandra is one of the most naturally beautiful people I know. After a day of laying in bed and having a child, she still would have looked better in a photo than Christine, Leah and myself just after a day of regular work. I am wildly impressed with Sandra’s calm demeanor (she got a shot while we were there and acted like it was no big thing) and the grace in which she handles any situation. I can just imagine the nutcase I would be if I have a kiddo. I couldn’t be happier for Sandra, Cody and Devin to have Christian in their lives. The are a precious little family now and I’m glad to know them.

P.S. Babies make you want to take 5000 pictures. I have many more where this came from.