My Shame.

This is the daily array of my desk. Throughout the day the number of coffee cups, water cups, cups from home, and various snacks cluster together. I don’t ever clean any of it until I’m about to walk out the door (which is a habit I’ve considered changing, but haven’t gotten around to yet). Not only am I messy at home, but I’m also messy at work, this should not be a surprise to any of the five people who read my blog.
I feel the need to acknowledge the soda on my desk. I wanted something to drink and didn’t have the time to make tea, and didn’t want to make an effort to get a cup and walk over to the water cooler. Soda is the easiest choice, you just reach in the fridge and grab. Although I would like to get credit for getting the caffeine free version, I still had a soda. I fell off the wagon. I’ll get back on- promise.

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