Very Busy and Very Thankful

I love having a blog, and I love that when I take a step away, it is still here.

This semester has been absolutely insane. In August, when I went to orientation for grad school, I panicked a bit. It didn’t seem possible that I could squeeze two courses in with working full time. But, I have almost made it. There have been many moments of panic, a lot of feeling totally overwhelmed, pure exhaustion, and lots of frustration. I’ve cried many a Saturday morning as I looked at my “to do” list. All that complaining, and what I mean to say is that I am so very lucky. The support of JMO, my family, and my friends has been amazing. Ashley is taking on extra work for our shared classes. JMO has taken on the grocery store and many dinners. My mom and dad have listened to me whine and complain. What would I do without these fine folks? I am so very very thankful for them.

Here is a list in no particular order of other things I am beyond thankful for…

  1. Being able to devote time to a degree that will allow me to celebrate books!
  2. A job at a school where people really care about making change in the lives of children.
  3. Working with a teaching partner who inspires me to do better every day. A gal that is a FINALIST for teacher of the year!
  4. Having a group of girls in my life who are fun, thoughtful, and just really really good people!
  5. A loving and supportive family. They really rock. My parents are always willing to listen and go out of their way to make my life better. I could not have asked for better parents. I am thankful for a brother who reminds me to have conviction in what I do in my life. And a sister who reminds me that creativity takes time, and it is worthwhile.
  6. Getting a whole new family. The Oswalts really rock too. They have always been welcoming and loving. I couldn’t be more pleased to be part of their family soon.
  7. Being able to marry my best friend. There may be no details planned for our wedding yet, but we are going to get married and it is going to be awesome. I am so very blessed to have JMO in my life.

Because I am avoiding reading articles, I could have this list go on for awhile. Life has treated me well; I need to remember this! Things get hard sometimes. When my schedule is filled to the brim, and I am no where caught up in my class – I must remember that I am thankful.