2009 can actually begin now.

JMO in front of a semi-real dinosaur. As it turns out, museums use fake bones to fill in missing puzzle pieces. This seems a bit like cheating, but I guess no one wants to see half a dinosaur at a museum.

This is not a great picture of either one of us, but it took several takes to get the Brooklyn Bridge in. So behold: JMO, me, and the bridge.

I had a wonderful week off work. I’m thankful for such a nice peaceful time. Tomorrow I must go back to work. I’ve decided that tomorrow is my January 1st. I have still been living a holiday like life, it is time to get back to normal. After the holidays I had a entertain an out of town coworker week and then I had a NY week. So next week is back to life before December. I have not been to the gym since the first week of December or eaten anything particularly healthy for me in the past month and a half. So tomorrow, on my first day of 2009, I will restart my workout routine and eat better. 2009 will be a good year and I’m now ready for it.

My sister has turned into a teenager.

The Emily Pickert that hates clothes, braids, headbands, matching shoes and anything but a volleyball tshirt has changed. This new person is taller than me, fitter than me, maybe smarter than me, and cares about her ensemble. I really never believed she would grow out of throwing a fit when I bought her a dress or looking at me like I was crazy when I suggested a purse. This girl carries purses. I like her. I look forward to forcing her to be a bigger part of my life. We are nearing an even playing field and can now carry on a conversation lasting longer than 10 minutes. I look forward to a life of travelling with my baby sis, shopping, going to museums and movies and confiding in her. Emily Pickert is one cool TEENAGER.
EP is pictured at the Feista Farm, she did not want to ride the real horse.

More Grey.

Stare at this baby please. I gave my camera to a 9 year old, so there are many more picture possibilities. I’ll end it here though. I suppose not everyone on the internet wants to stare at pictures of people I like.

(take note of the Turkey bib)