Creeeeepy eyes.

Guess which one is me and which one is JMO.

JMO has wide, round eyes that children always seem drawn too. I always swear that kids are smiling at me, but once you follow their gaze, you can tell JMO is the one that interests them. I need more pictures of eyes to make more eye comparisons. If you are my friend, please let me photgraph your eye next time you see me.

Big and Little.


Home=finally decorated, comfortable
Soon to be godson=almost born
Parents=love me and support
Debt=don’t have any
Sister=growing into an awesome person
Brother=choosing the next exciting chapter of his life


Electric bill=high
Dry cleaner=stuff has been there for a month
Library=can’t keep up
Work hours=take the better part of my day
Work projects=varying levels of interesting
Life direction=undecided
Working out=can’t seem to make enough time
Sleep=can’t seem to fall asleep and can’t seem to get out of bed

Generally I find myself frustrated. But why? Everything that truly matters to me is going wonderfully. I have amazing people in my life. My parents are always caring and supportive; my brother and sister are always interesting. My boyfriend just moved back from New York and I have a lot of fun with him. He challenges me, makes me think about what I want. I have good friends and fun times, but I let all of these little things in life keep me in a frustrated state. The good far outweighs the bad in my life. I have little to complain about in the things that truly matter. I am thankful for all I have and am going to start making a better effort to appreciate it or try at least.

I left home on a Saturday night.

On Saturday JMO and I went to see Adele at the Warehouse. It was definitely girl music and if JMO was still in the business of needing to gain points, he would have gotten some. The Script opened, and although we had never heard of them, they were pretty good. It has been awhile since I’ve been to a concert and I forgot how fun it is. I like the noise, I like that it is so loud you have to yell at the person you are with and maybe they will hear you. The music vibrates and this venue was perfect for it. Smaller concerts just have far more charm to me. I feel like I’m enjoying something I like, not something everyone in America likes (or England- side note: I couldn’t understand a word she said between songs, her accent was really thick).
It was fun. I hope to have some more fun soon. Any takers? Ideas?

2 week anniversary of being a vegetarian.

I gave up meat and complaining for lent.

I failed miserably at subtracting daily complaining from my life. I find that being an adult, work, bills, the weather, my dirty car, lack of decent mail, and the impossible task of finding room for the gym all warrant a complaint. Biting my tongue has become a new habit. Not every complaint that comes to mind is shared, but some make it through. But, I don’t feel like a failure. The only reason I don’t feel like a failure is because I gave up 2 things for lent (a backup item if you will). I’ve managed to make it two weeks thus far without consuming meat, thus I am not a lent failure.
I would like to make it clear that I am not anti meat and I am not trying to change the world one cow at a time. My coworkers have all noticed a difference in my lunch and have all offered an opinion. I chose this simply because I like sodas, sweets, shopping, and TV and have challenged myself to go without. Meat seemed a less obvious vice, and an actual challenge. Meat is the main portion of our meals, changing that up has been a challenge. I like fruits and veggies, I just didn’t give them the same attention two weeks ago that I give them now. Veggie sandwiches even taste yummy to me now. I have a bit of time still to go, but I’m hoping not to fail. Carbs, veggies, fruits and I shall make it just fine.