Wedding Weekend!


Christine and Justin’s wedding made for a beautiful weekend and I was very proud to be a part of it. Christine has been a very good friend to me since freshman year of college. She is now a teacher, a homeowner, and a wife. She did a phenomenal job planning this wedding and it paid off, it went very smoothly! And because I adore Christine, I took A LOT of pictures this weekend. Below are some of my favorites. I will definitely have a few more wedding posts this week as I come off my weekend wedding high.












More Justin and Christine Wedding to come…

2009, The year a few things happened

Holy Moly. What happened to 2009? I just breezed through the last year on my blog and tried to scoop out the highlights, I have that problem where everything is a highlight, narrowing down doesn’t work so well for me. Overall, it was a great year. JMO moved back from New York. I quit my job working in an office to work on my teaching certification and picked up quite a few interesting adventures. Here is the best of my year – in no particular order.

1. Great trip to NYC before JMO left.

2. My family went on a trip to NYC over Thanksgiving.

3. Sandra had Christian. I got a new godson!

4. Mike and I went on road trip from Orlando to San Antonio. He names it Southeast Shuffle. Great week. My brother is fascinating.

5. I quit. Wow. Still can’t believe it.

6. Vegas. 9 girls. Leah got salmonella.

7. I got a job in an elementary school.

8. I turned 25. JMO and friends threw me a surprise party. Awesome.

9. Did this list in September when I explained the best of being 24 years old.

10. Most importantly, I got to spend a lot of time with people I love. Mom, Dad, Mike, Emily, JMO, The Oswalt Family, ALL the Pickerts, Tranee’s family, Sandra’s family, Leah, Christine, Michelle, my students, Sylvia, Sarah, Lesley and youth group kiddos and many other lovely folks. I am truly blessed to have such fabulous people in my life. Cheesy as it is – PEOPLE ARE THE BEST OF 2009.


We have had and awful time keeping the Internet working since we moved. It is in my roommates name, so when I call to complain, I have to pretend to be her. This takes a lot of effort on my part because I’m an awful liar. The last time I called they told me it was probably the router. The router is only about a month old and I was reluctant to call yet another 1-800 number. Today I got home from work and Leah changed out the cable splitter. Now I have the world wide web at my fingertips. It seems ridiculous that we wasted so much time without it and we both spent so much time on the phone, when it was an overlooked old splitter.

I have never appreciated the Internet so much. I am currently downloading all the podcasts I’ve missed, catching up on some Facebook time, adding library Cd’s, updating my iPhone, and grinning from ear to ear.

I love the Internet. Thank you for working in my home.

The Chocolate Bar.

Last night I met Christine and Leah at The Chocolate Bar. The Oswalt’s introduced me to it after a play last Christmas (I have to give credit where it is due). Ever since then I have been in love with the place. They have ice cream, cakes, cheesecake, ice cream and anything and everything covered in chocolate. Before sitting down to some Uncle Darryl’s choc cake, we visited the candy counter. I got a chocolate covered caramel, a chocolate covered oreo and a bag of chocolate covered pecans. These sweets will stay in my drawer at work to help me get through the rest of the week. The cake is more than enough for three people, and I think I enjoy eating cake and drinking milk more than meeting people for dinner. Sharing dessert is just fun. If only it was good for me….