I like Giants. Especially Girl Giants.

Emily is GiantShe said ‘I like giants
Especially girl giants
Cause all girls feel too big sometimes
Regardless of their size’

When I go for a drive I like to pull off to the side
Of the road and run and jump into the ocean in my clothes
*I’m smaller than a poppyseed inside a great big bowl
And the ocean is a giant that can swallow me whole

So I swim for all salvation and I swim to save my soul
But my soul is just a whisper trapped inside a tornado
So I flip to my back and I float and I sing
I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everything
I am grounded, I am humbled, I am one with everything

Say I am just a speck of dust inside a giant’s eye
I am just a speck of dust inside a giant’s eye
I am just a speck of dust inside a giant’s eye
And I don’t wanna make her cry
Cause I like giants

Emily’s height reminded me of the Kimya Dawson (of Juno soundtrack fame) song, “I Like Giants.” I googled the lyrics and have found some highly entertaining videos, I do suppose that this music would inspire some interpretive dance.

My sister has turned into a teenager.

The Emily Pickert that hates clothes, braids, headbands, matching shoes and anything but a volleyball tshirt has changed. This new person is taller than me, fitter than me, maybe smarter than me, and cares about her ensemble. I really never believed she would grow out of throwing a fit when I bought her a dress or looking at me like I was crazy when I suggested a purse. This girl carries purses. I like her. I look forward to forcing her to be a bigger part of my life. We are nearing an even playing field and can now carry on a conversation lasting longer than 10 minutes. I look forward to a life of travelling with my baby sis, shopping, going to museums and movies and confiding in her. Emily Pickert is one cool TEENAGER.
EP is pictured at the Feista Farm, she did not want to ride the real horse.

Wholesome good times.

Last Wednesday Michael, Tranee and Grey came to visit me. I could only get off on Thursday, but at least I got off something. It was wonderful to spend time with them. It was interesting to spend several days straight with Grey. We’ve spent lots of time together now in his little life, but I’ve never been present for so many diapers, baths, bedtimes, and mealtimes. He really is one of the best behaved babies I have ever heard of. Tranee is one fabulous mommy. I can’t ever imagine being as loving and patient as she is. Let’s hope these qualities are somewhere in me. If not, everyone will feel sorry for my adopted Asian child.

Saturday morning we went to the Aquarium for a breakfast with Santa. They had an elf in scuba gear in the tank and Santa himself was there. The whole thing was adorable and Grey really loved all the fish, they were fascinating to him. I parted ways with my family (I’m counting Tranee and Grey with Mike- they pretty much are) and headed to the airport to get JMO.

JMO tricked me and is now staying in Houston for two weeks. This is probably the best gift I will get for Christmas. I’m wildly impressed with his ability to keep a secret. I want to reveal surprises as soon as I decide something will happen. I still have to work the next two weeks, but I will get to spend New Years with him and I am off then at least. We spent yesterday with the Oswalt family, we saw Four Christmases, went to dinner and played board games. AND Mr. O made me oatmeal raisen cookies, which are quite tastey.

I only have a few days left to get everything ready for Christmas, but so far the holiday season has treated me very kindly

Thank you for reading my excited holiday high ramble.