The Jackson's Come to Town

This weekend the Jackson family (Tranee, David and Grey) came to visit me. Below is a photo of Grey and his hot mom, Tranee.

Tranee and Grey

We took Grey to see the butterflies at the Houston Natural Science Museum. We used a few of the free coupons JMO and I got from our CARPOOL Gala basket (we still have quite a few left too!), which is always exciting to feel like you got a bargain on something you actually want to do. The butterfly house has a lot of hands on activities that are great for little ones. Grey enjoyed looking at the cockroaches and tarantulas in cages. I enjoyed taking pictures and hoping that a butterfly would choose me to land on, one did not choose me.

Me and Grey
Grey and David

After the museum we swung by the Chocolate Bar, I regret not taking a picture of Grey eating chocolate. We consumed some glorious cake and got a few other treats as well. We went home and then Grey and I dropped mommy and daddy off at Reliant to see George Strait. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson looked pretty adorable and I thoroughly enjoyed having their kid to myself.

Tranee and David

Grey and I went swimming, ate fruit, and watched Bob the Builder. Then my date for the evening conked out about 8:00PM. I was disappointed he didn’t want to stay away to entertain ME longer.

I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend a little time with the Jackson’s, I don’t get to see them as often as I would like. I suppose this now means I have to start planning my next trip to Fort Hood to visit them.

Leah Gets Older

Today is Leah’s 24th birthday! Below you can see her in her signature awkward pose picture. This pose tells the tale of being somewhere she would rather not be or that she is trying to fool the viewer with her elusive awkwardness. I have other Leah in awkward pose pictures, but she actually looks lovely in this one, and it is her birthday.

Leah's Awkward Pose

In our time of friendship Leah has made me a Queen Latifah trading card, pretended we were part of the sisterhood of the travelling pants, probably consumed 10 gallons of queso with me, travelled around the great country of Mexico with me, consumed a truckload of diet cokes with me with sides of chocolate cake, invited me to be her date at her brother’s wedding reception and lived with me for the past year. There is more of course, but I would need more awkward pictures of her to illustrate. I’m lucky to have someone so fun be my friend. Happy Birthday Leah!

Consumption of Queso and Cake

Friend of a Friend

Desiree's Bacholorette

Last Saturday I attended Sandra’s lifelong friend’s bachelorette party. Desiree is getting married in two weeks and I only see her for functions like Sandra’s wedding and baby showers. She did visit Sandra a few times at A&M as well but although she is someone I don’t know very well, I like her a lot. Desiree is very sweet and kind in a way that most people give up on sometime during college. She will do great things and I will hear about them through my friend and that is really what a good “friend of a friend” is.

Every one of my friends has a friend that I enjoy hearing their life updates through my friend, but they are not my good friend. I think it is the same kind of curiousnes that comes with reading a stranger’s blog. I don’t know them personally, but I like to hear that things are going well for them or hear they just took a really cool trip (I always enjoy hearing about a good trip).

Friend of friends are characters in the lives of my closest friends. Their involvement in my friend’s lives make up a big part of my close friend’s lives because they are their close friends. Point is: I am fascinated by the friends of others and Sandra’s friend serves as an example to that. If you followed any of this, I’m impressed.

Happy Birthday Tranee!

Tranee My dear friend Tranee turns 24 years old today. Tranee and I met in Junior History class and soon discovered we lived close by and we quickly became better friends and now our families spend holidays at each others homes. She is family. Here are some things I’d like everyone to know about Tranee Rivas Jackson.

1. She doesn’t like her food to touch, veggies, meats and fruits stay away from each other.

2. She graduated with honors.

3. She owns a gun lock, but no gun.

4. She is a wonderful mommy to a fabulous baby. She would do absolutely anything for that baby (Grey is his name – he rocks).

5. She is a good listener and a wonderful advice giver.

6. She is loyal.

7. She is a hoot.

8. She has survived a vacation to Branson, Missouri with my family.

9. She has survived a year on her own with a child while her husband was in Iraq.

10. She is a badass. I love her.

Gal Pals.

Bonnie, my NY friend/coworker left this morning. In the past week Michelle, Bonnie and I have spent almost every day together. I admire both these gals immensely and are one the most positive things I will be taking away from my job. Michelle listened to all of my crazy tirades, she made me laugh, she ordered me lunch and gave me life advice. My cubicle experience would have been entirely different if Michelle had not been there. Michelle brought me a fabulous butterfly balloons and a chocolate cake today, for this, I’ll keep her around.

Bonnie and Michelle

Michelle on right, Bonnie on left.

I am a lucky girl. Work is officially done. I get to go to Vegas tomorrow. Not bad at all.

Sunglasses and awkwardness.

Within two seconds of exiting the car I accosted these girls and handed JMO the camera. I got a new camera and I am excited about this. It turns out my old camera wasn’t taking the greatest pictures. My Vivitar and I had a good run, four to five years (I can’t remember when I got it). When the flash was on, everyone looked like a ghost, although this was good for a false sense of a clear complexion, it isn’t necessarily the coloring I want my memories in. My new memories should have more accurate coloring and a clearer picture. So friends, look forward to me attacking you with my camera and writing a blog post about it.

Thanks JMO, Christine and Leah for being good sports.