2009 can actually begin now.

JMO in front of a semi-real dinosaur. As it turns out, museums use fake bones to fill in missing puzzle pieces. This seems a bit like cheating, but I guess no one wants to see half a dinosaur at a museum.

This is not a great picture of either one of us, but it took several takes to get the Brooklyn Bridge in. So behold: JMO, me, and the bridge.

I had a wonderful week off work. I’m thankful for such a nice peaceful time. Tomorrow I must go back to work. I’ve decided that tomorrow is my January 1st. I have still been living a holiday like life, it is time to get back to normal. After the holidays I had a entertain an out of town coworker week and then I had a NY week. So next week is back to life before December. I have not been to the gym since the first week of December or eaten anything particularly healthy for me in the past month and a half. So tomorrow, on my first day of 2009, I will restart my workout routine and eat better. 2009 will be a good year and I’m now ready for it.


Today is the last day of a quarter end project and I couldn’t be happier, well I could if I was more rested. This week coming to an end feels like a personal victory. Hip hip hooray for closure at the office.

Miss Independent 2008.

After reflecting back on this past year, more happened than I initially thought. I realized that out of all my favorite things about 2008, the theme appeared to be independence. I have realized that I don’t need to measure happiness in people but in my ability to make my own path. Let the recap begin…

  • Spent a week in Vegas with JMO. I learned to gamble, I played on my own. The shows were great, the company was great, and I took pictures of random things.
  • Tranee had a baby and I am Grey’s godmother.
  • I went to my grandparents house for 4 days in July. I finally felt like an adult in a house I’ve always felt like a child in.
  • I went to NY twice. Once paid for by work and the other as a birthday gift from JMO.
  • My cousin Drew got married in Myrtle Beach. He is the first of my cousins to get married and I enjoyed a beach I’d never been to. My flight back got cancelled and I got stuck at a hotel with strangers. I ate dinner and enjoyed drinks with people I had never met or will ever see again.
  • I moved from a one bedroom into a 2 bedroom with my good friend Leah. The location is far superior to Westheimer (busiest street in Houston).
  • The move made me finally start buying furniture and decorating, I am very pleased with the space I’ve created for myself.
  • Emily started liking girlier things.
  • Michael travelled, and I lived vicariously through him.
  • I lost and found my Aggie ring. I overcame feeling irresponsible.
  • I grew out of the “year of transition” that was 2007. I am a legit grown up now.

Back to the grind.

I’m back to work today after thoroughly enjoying Christmas. I wound up getting out of work on Friday (thanks Dan!) and I enjoyed 4 days in San Antonio. I like my family. I like my gifts. I like cuddling with the dog. When I’m on vacation I have this feeling that this is what my life should be like. I am now looking for a career in vacationing. Please send advice on how I can make this work.


The day before Christmas and all through the house… I am antsy and want to leave work. I feel like it is the Christmas Party day in elementary school, where there is no work and just excited chatter. But there is some work, and I suppose I should be doing that……

P.S. Michelle brought me more candy. I am going to gain 10 holiday pounds. I will begin using the gym membership I pay for again in 2009.

Best of 2008.

Rolling Stone released their Best of 2008 Albums and I immediately went to the best website around. The library. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the library is the most ignored free source of books, movies and CD’s around. I went down the list, one by one, and placed a hold request on each CD that remotely interested me. If the CD turns out to not be my cup of tea, then whatev– it didn’t cost many anything. Then I get a nice email, telling me I have items for pick up. I go to the library and on a shelf, there is a bundle rubber banded together with my name on it. BEST SYSTEM EVER.

But it just so happens when you reach a certain point, the library will no longer let you place a request. You can only wait for so many items at a time, I’ve now reached my limit. This is the message I just received (in red) There is a problem with your library record. Please see a librarian. Fine, I’ll see a librarian, when I go pick up the goods.

I recently went through a best documentaries list and requested them at the library. It was hard to keep up. My mom and I have been doing it with best sellers for awhile. My mother describes the overwhelming sense of too many great books ready for pick up as putting a quarter in a gum ball machine and not being able to catch all that comes out, and not wanting to waste any of the gum balls. This is funny to me, because I can imagine my mom trying to hold to many gumballs at once and dropping them.

Thank you library.

P.S. There is snow on the steps leading up to my house.