Category Archives: Life
Talking about life
The Pursuit of Happiness
I just read Maggie Mason’s recent blogpost, “20 Things I wish I’d known at 20” and it reminded me of all the key points and goals I’d made for myself when I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. This book took me some time to read, I read a chapter or so and made notes. I had to think on her thoughts and how they applied to my life. While reading other books, I would feel like it was time for a dose from The Happiness Project.
From the start, I was struck by her words, “What you do everyday matters more than what you do once in awhile.” Somehow, I have come to be 25 years old and my life (like most) is a collection of memories of family vacations, parties, and milestones. This may be that a camera is only present at important events and thus their is only photos for reflection of milestones. So what do I do everyday? Well of course I have to read Twitter updates, check Facebook to see what all the people I’m not actually friends with are doing, and waste a good deal of time. I feel successful in my career change, and I do go to work everyday. Hanging out with kids everyday is far superior, for me, than sitting in front of a computer.
Some other gems from The Happiness Project:
- Most decisions don’t require research
- If your not failing, you’re not trying hard enough
- No deposit. No return.
These lines bring up different feelings and memories. I have often been guilty of running things by my friends and relatives before making a decision. While their help is appreciated, what am I doing? Where is this fretting getting me? I could be taking action. Why aren’t I? Albeit that some decisions are major and require others input, but there are many simple things that I would be far better off going with the first thing that comes to mind. On the flip side of that, everything that I am truly proud of in my life has taken a great time investment, hard work, and sticking to who I am. NO DEPOSIT. NO RETURN. I may need to write this large somewhere. Deposit: working through the summer, Return: having the funds to buy a car.
Maggie Mason’s post struck a few chords on things I want to work on in pursuit of my own happiness. #4. “When in doubt, shut up.” Ummm… I do the opposite. I know that I shouldn’t, but I just keep talking. I am guilty of telling people more than they should know or want to know. Her #5 ties right into that, “Don’t Complain” in her explanation she says, “Maybe venting makes you feel better, but letting off steam can also lull you into maintaining the status quo.” And then, “If you’re frustrated, turn that energy toward fixing your problems, not bitching about them.” ACTION. I think Maggie Mason wants me to get into action. It easier to just spill out my problems. Do people perceive me as a complainer? If so, how can that be good for me or for my relationships? Her list is great. Maggie makes other points about how good I look and how I shouldn’t be intimidated. It is a good reflection tool. Please, read this list and read this book (I will loan it to you if you promise to give it back).
Happiness is my goal. It can be easy to find or it can be difficult. Maybe I need to make some signs at home as reminders or write these things on my arms. It’s funny how thinking of ways to make myself happier, is satisfying (thanks Gretchen Rubin!). These are goals I can reach. I can be proud of what I do everyday, what I do everyday makes me who I am.
Celebrating TRENT
I first met JMO’s little brother at a football game almost four years ago. Trent was shorter than me then. I know that shouldn’t matter so much, but I always want to tell him, “I used to be taller than you! There was that one time!” Here he is sitting, so I clearly tower above him.
Trent reminds me a lot of my brother. He makes friends whereever he goes and he is always up for anything. Whatever he ends up doing will be interesting (also like my brother). He is heading off to Oklahoma State, and I have no doubt he will have a million friends and a million job offers before he graduates college.
The kid cleaned up on gifts. Here he is with his iPad (gifted by his brother). JMO swiped his computer the day before and put all his stuff on it, including an art project Trent did and used it as the background.
My favorite part of the weekend was getting to spend time with and meet various relatives of the Oswalt clan.
I met cousin Oran, he was quite entertaining.
I got to spend some time with JMO’s dad, Granny and Aunt Carol.
I got to hang out with JMO too.
I also met one of the cutest little girls I have ever. This is Berlin, JMO and Trent’s cousin Nicki’s daughter. She laughed a lot. There were many kids around and she LOVED playing with them.
The Oswalt family officially has grown-up boys now. Trent will be good at this grown-up gig. If not, he has a million friends, so he won’t ever be out of a place to live.
The Wedding is Coming Soon!
Last month we went on a little trip for Christine’s Bachelorette Party. I don’t think many of us had been a girl trip since college. It was great to have a mini adventure with a dear friend to celebrate the coming changes in her life. Christine is about to be a real life grown-up.
We went out on 6th Street in Austin all dressed in black dresses. Christine wore a diamond on her head, which was pretty darn awesome.
On Saturday we drove to Gruene, Texas. We floated the river and it was cold. We ate at the glorious Gristmill and went to Gruene Hall. I had always wanted to go to Gruene Hall and I have to say it was my favorite part of the weekend.
Christine thinks it is too loud. She is adorable. She is getting married. Growing up is so very strange. Good luck lady!
Christine’s Bridal Shower
Christine is getting married and the festivities have begun! Her party was wonderfully planned by the maid of honor, Kim. Kim gave all of us bridesmaids (pictured above) our tasks for the day. When you only have to be responsible for a fraction of the shower, it is not nearly as overwhelming.
My fraction of the shower was to make the sangria. And if I say so myself, it was well done. I used The Pioneer Woman’s recipe from her cookbook. Christine’s Great Aunt Jeanette brought me a piece of paper and a pen and told me, “Jot down these ingredients!” I’ve made the recipe a few times now and it has been a pretty big hit each time. I noticed several people popping the lid off to scoop fruit out and sticking their cups under for more.
The rest of the food spread was quite impressive, and sadly I failed to get a picture of it. We had sandwich fixings, salads, sausage balls, spinach dip and fruit trays. We ate. It was delightful. Christine got lots of wonderful gifts and it was really neat to see all her relatives and friends there to celebrate her.
Christine has really grown up into a real woman in the past few years. She is a very hardworking, caring, and entertaining girl. At her shower we got the chance to meet those people that have known her from a childhood, those who have known her from high school, those that have known her from college, those from work and those people that just know her from life. It was fascinating to see the many people from the many areas of her life. The first festivity was fabulous and I can’t wait for everything else. Congratulations Christine! We love you!
The Oswalt Men
Friday we celebrated JMO’s 25th birthday with a trip to Star Pizza with his family. JMO loves pizza, and the rest of us enjoy it. As always it was good to spend time with the Oswalts. They are fun people who truly enjoy the company of the their family. The Oswalt Men got one side of the table, Trent and JMO continually elbowed each other and a good time was had by all. It is hard to believe that JMO is now twenty-five. Twenty-four was eventful, I can’t wait to see what twenty-five holds.