Birthday Lady

Ellis IslandMany years ago my mother claims that her whiny children held her back from fully exploring Ellis Island. I think I was around ten or twelve. Last year on our trip to NYC my mom got her chance to go back and fully explore. Look at the excitement in this woman’s face! My momma was freezing cold, and she was ecstatic to be standing in front of Ellis Island.

In the 26 years my mom has been a mom, she has given up on many things she would have rather been doing. She is an adventurer by nature, and she likes to check out random and unusual things. Her three whiny kids weren’t always so cooperative. My mom has shown me the meaning of patience, kindness, and what it means to grow as a human being.

I love her. Happy Birthday lady.

Visiting Lois

On Saturday, I got to meet the famous Lois. Lois is the corpse flower that bloomed at Houston Museum of Natural Science. The museum is one of my favorite places in Houston, my favorite part of all is the butterfly center. If you come to visit me in Houston, it is the sight I choose to show you. Lois has been a Houston sensation for the past few weeks, her twitter updates have been HILARIOUS. She has been on the news, she has a live webcam (which now shows her fallen state), has had updates on the museum’s blog, Flickr updates, and featured on the blogs of Houstonites (I enjoyed Chookooloonks love affair with Lois). Lois was fascinating, she was a great distraction for the past few weeks and she was truly a public relations sucess for the museum.


After stalking this flower like everyone else in Houston, I was ready to see it. I was apprehensive about going because of the crowds and the intense stench of the flower. JMO works for Schipul, they are a web marketing company, and Kinetic Energy is a client of theirs. Kinetic Energy was volunteering at the museum and JMO said we would help. I have heard JMO speak fondly of the Kinetic folks before and I was excited when he said that we could see this flower without standing in a line. We met up with Tim and he gave us hats and shirts, and then a museum coordinator walked us around and showed us what volunteering entailed.

The Kinetic Look

This is my shirt.

My Spot

This is my sweet spot. My job was to stand by the waterfall at the end of the butterfly exhibit. At the beginning they give you a chart of all the types of butterflies that are in the exhibit and people deposit these in a bin at the end. My job was to stand there and then take these sheets back up when the bin got full. People liked to take pictures in my spot, so I would take pictures of couples and whole families in front of the waterfall.

My Friend

In my spot, butterflies land on me. It was clearly an awesome spot.

HMNS Web Cam Set Up

At the end, my spot moved. I held the door open for people leaving the room Lois was in. All of the setup above provided this great web feed of Lois. The new spot allowed me to hear the presentation about Lois a few times. Visitors handed their cameras off so the presenter could take a picture of the inside of Lois.

Lois getting photographed

It was a wonderful treat to get to see the behind the scenes at the museum. Thank you so much Tim for including us in Kinetic‘s volunteer endeavor!

*I included lots of links in this post, since I inserted them, you should probably click them. Gracias.

Bob Schneider – HOB

We almost recreated Christine’s bachelorette the other night. We saw ol’ Bob at Gruene Hall and Sandra snagged us tickets for us to see him again. Leah and I went once in college too, so basically Bob is getting up there with Dave Mathews concerts now.

Girls @ Bob

Christine, Sandra, and Leah met at my house and we ate blueberry muffins for our pre-concert event. Sarah just happened to be there with a coworker, adding to our Gruene Hall recreation (we never did run into Kim, I guess living in Dallas makes that not so likely).

Bob @ HOB

This is Leah and her friend Bob. His music is just fun, so listen to it. She also remarked that he never looks the same. His hair was crazy jelled up at Gruene Hall and I think he was a skinnier man when we saw him in college.

Bob @ HOB

We were a little confused on the time of this event, so we were early. We really thought that it wasn’t going to be that crowded, but we beat the crowd. Beating the crowd allowed us to get a sweet spot. Leaving this spot and coming back to it was pretty difficult, potty breaks were tough, but it was a great view. The gals and I were super close. It was a fun night and it makes me crave some more fun nights. I need more concerts in my life.

Thank you Sandra for the tickets!

Nay Nay’s Bday


Tranee and I met our junior year of high school, she did not talk AT ALL. It wasn’t until senior year that we became friends and she decided that I was worth talking to. She just lived a few streets over from us and somewhere along the way our family became like family. We just fell into an easy rhythm and more often than not over the last few years, we spent holidays together. I was even surprised last year when she wanted to have Thanksgiving and Christmas at her home in Killeen, but I suppose we are growing up some now. My brother used to call her Nay Nay (and he wasn’t 3 at the time) and so it stuck. My mother refers to her as Nay Nay in conversion now and I think if the dog could talk, she would too.

Tranee has grown into a wonderful woman, a person that I am proud to know. Happy Birthday Nay Nay!

Spidey Devin had a BIRTHDAY

Spidey Devin

Devin and Pinata


Devin and gifts

Today is Devin’s 4th birthday and we celebrated it on Saturday. Sandra did a fabulous job of putting the party together. Devin opened all his gifts pretty quickly. He had to see what was in every package IMMEDIATELY. After his whirlwind unwrapping session he hugged everyone in the room and said thank you. This little guy is growing up to be a pretty sweet and polite kiddo and I’m very proud to say that I have a perfect attendance record at this child’s birthdays.