My sister has turned into a teenager.

The Emily Pickert that hates clothes, braids, headbands, matching shoes and anything but a volleyball tshirt has changed. This new person is taller than me, fitter than me, maybe smarter than me, and cares about her ensemble. I really never believed she would grow out of throwing a fit when I bought her a dress or looking at me like I was crazy when I suggested a purse. This girl carries purses. I like her. I look forward to forcing her to be a bigger part of my life. We are nearing an even playing field and can now carry on a conversation lasting longer than 10 minutes. I look forward to a life of travelling with my baby sis, shopping, going to museums and movies and confiding in her. Emily Pickert is one cool TEENAGER.
EP is pictured at the Feista Farm, she did not want to ride the real horse.

Don't be tardy for the party.

I just got into San Antonio a little bit ago. I am sitting on the couch waiting for the rest of the Pickerts to get a move on. We have a party to attend. Little baby Grey is turning ONE. Well, he isn’t really, but his momma has planned a cowboy extravaganza this weekend because her husband and Grey’s daddy is currently home safely from Iraq for two weeks. I’m looking forward to see how Tranee’s planning pays off. I have no doubt that this will be an incredible first birthday with a ton of people, cowboy decor and BBQ- Tranee can do a party.

Example #1: Tranee and I had a joint high school graduation party. We rented a moonbounce, enough said there.

Example #2: Tranee gets married. This resulted in a hilarious bachelorette experience, an entertaining night before, amazing day of the wedding, a great reception, and 2 nights in pretty little cottages.

I’m very ready to get this party started, but I am still WAITING.


Today is the last day of a quarter end project and I couldn’t be happier, well I could if I was more rested. This week coming to an end feels like a personal victory. Hip hip hooray for closure at the office.

Miss Independent 2008.

After reflecting back on this past year, more happened than I initially thought. I realized that out of all my favorite things about 2008, the theme appeared to be independence. I have realized that I don’t need to measure happiness in people but in my ability to make my own path. Let the recap begin…

  • Spent a week in Vegas with JMO. I learned to gamble, I played on my own. The shows were great, the company was great, and I took pictures of random things.
  • Tranee had a baby and I am Grey’s godmother.
  • I went to my grandparents house for 4 days in July. I finally felt like an adult in a house I’ve always felt like a child in.
  • I went to NY twice. Once paid for by work and the other as a birthday gift from JMO.
  • My cousin Drew got married in Myrtle Beach. He is the first of my cousins to get married and I enjoyed a beach I’d never been to. My flight back got cancelled and I got stuck at a hotel with strangers. I ate dinner and enjoyed drinks with people I had never met or will ever see again.
  • I moved from a one bedroom into a 2 bedroom with my good friend Leah. The location is far superior to Westheimer (busiest street in Houston).
  • The move made me finally start buying furniture and decorating, I am very pleased with the space I’ve created for myself.
  • Emily started liking girlier things.
  • Michael travelled, and I lived vicariously through him.
  • I lost and found my Aggie ring. I overcame feeling irresponsible.
  • I grew out of the “year of transition” that was 2007. I am a legit grown up now.