Past and Future, Side by Side

Last month I started working part time for my old job. This is the job that pushed me to make a change in my life. This is the job that made me realize I didn’t want to sit in a cubicle/room of computers/coworkers all day. I am working here for the duration of their busy season. I’ve said goodbye to my weekday afternoons, but I’ve said hello to quite a few positives.

Before I came back, I had begun seeing my previous life in an office through rose colored glasses. I love the kids, but I remembered the world where I didn’t have to give someone permission to use the restroom and I didn’t have to wait half a day to use it myself. I was remembering the free food and tickets to events very fondly. Coming back to the financial communication world has truly giving me an appreciation of the new path I’ve chosen. My decision to change directions feels like the best decision I have ever made. In the financial world, no one hugs you when a project is done. I used to get tickets to sporting events, but now I get pictures of stick figures with the words “You are the bestest” written in every color crayon. Having the stark contrast of elementary by day and office by night has truly allowed me to put my past life and my future life side by side. The future is looking bright. Financial communications are essential to our economy, but they are not to my life. The urgency of deadlines and the high demands of clients are no longer the only way to earn an income. Missing a deadline was devastating, I haven’t missed one yet since I’ve been back, but my perspective on the end of the world has changed. If something doesn’t make it, it isn’t a great thing, but adjustments can be made and you can move forward. Kids make me laugh. Lawyers do not. Accountants do not. Morning warm ups, book talks, recess, and the science fair will always beat out work orders, filing deadlines, SEC regulations, and unwanted overtime.

Extra money and extra time spent with a few old friends will also be added to the list of positives. So, I may not have any pictures to post of anything cool I’ve done lately. I haven’t done much outside of my double life, but I’ve learned a lot about choosing your own happiness. There is always a choice. Nothing has to be done the way I am currently doing it. The chance to look at the old choice versus the new choice doesn‚Äôt come around everyday. I am grateful that the opportunity to see my past and future together, side by side, came around. The future looks good, and when I come out the other side I hope to go back to spending some more time with the people I love and adore.

OMG – Taylor Hicks??

My dear friend Michelle invited me to share her birthday gift with her last night, tickets to Grease. I love a show and was absolutely thrilled to be asked. Upon our arrival there was a life size cut out of Taylor Hicks that claimed we could meet him! We thought this was hilarious and kicked ourselves in the butts for not taking a photograph with the cardboard version of the man. Apparently Mr. Hicks now travels with Grease. The show started and I asked Michelle, “Which one is he?” and she consulted the Playbill. This consultation revealed that Mr. Hicks would only be on stage for ONE song – Beauty School Dropout. This idea was hysterical as well, because everything involving Taylor was incredibly comical last night.

When Taylor Hicks finally came on stage, he descended from the ceiling in an ice cream cone. At first we could not decide if Taylor would even get out of the cone, because he was belted in. Slowly the cone came down and he undid he cone seatbelt and sang to dear Frenchie. Frenchie exclaimed, mid song, “I voted for you!” Really?? At this point Michelle and I were lucky there was no floor space, because we would have been rolling in the aisles in hysterics.

Taylor once again appeared on stage after all the cast had bowed to botch the words of the theme. THEN came back at the very end to play his new single for the audience and plug his show at the Warehouse Live on Monday. The entire audience was looking around, because when has anyone EVER seen a performance after a musical? The audience was in awe while Michelle and I were (yet again) in hysterics.

Michelle and Meg @ Grease!

After the show we decided we had no where else to be, so we needed to get in line to meet the man, only to prove that it had happened. First we scoped out the line and hilarity from the balcony. We talked to strangers about how strange his appearance was.


Ladies love Taylor. The line was entirely ladies. So how many of these people only came to see Grease because of him? And how many of these people are just American Idol fans who just wanted to have a picture with one? The whole thing was fascinating. We wound up going down and trying to take pictures with our IPhones and I attempted to Tweet Taylor’s picture. We did not stand in the line because you had to buy Merchandise to do so and well that wasn’t going to happen.

Grease was also adorable, it was just overshadowed by the ridiculousness that was Taylor Hick’s involvement in the show. Thank you Michelle for inviting me, I had a blast!

Creeeeepy eyes.

Guess which one is me and which one is JMO.

JMO has wide, round eyes that children always seem drawn too. I always swear that kids are smiling at me, but once you follow their gaze, you can tell JMO is the one that interests them. I need more pictures of eyes to make more eye comparisons. If you are my friend, please let me photgraph your eye next time you see me.

Happy Times.

I got JMO back.

I got my tax return back (which I deposited into savings).

We saw Confession’s of a Shopoholic. (I thought it was adorable and want to go buy things I can’t afford now.)

We saw Charlie Bartlett.

Had a great lunch with Christine and Justin.

Had drinks with JMO‘s old friends, Jason and Mylea.

Ate a homemade dinner with the Oswalts.

Ate at Ruggles.

Enjoyed chocolate covered strawberries.

Enjoyed chocolate truffle cake.

Life is pretty good. This girl can’t complain. EXCEPT…. why is everyone off for President’s day but me?

Wholesome good times.

Last Wednesday Michael, Tranee and Grey came to visit me. I could only get off on Thursday, but at least I got off something. It was wonderful to spend time with them. It was interesting to spend several days straight with Grey. We’ve spent lots of time together now in his little life, but I’ve never been present for so many diapers, baths, bedtimes, and mealtimes. He really is one of the best behaved babies I have ever heard of. Tranee is one fabulous mommy. I can’t ever imagine being as loving and patient as she is. Let’s hope these qualities are somewhere in me. If not, everyone will feel sorry for my adopted Asian child.

Saturday morning we went to the Aquarium for a breakfast with Santa. They had an elf in scuba gear in the tank and Santa himself was there. The whole thing was adorable and Grey really loved all the fish, they were fascinating to him. I parted ways with my family (I’m counting Tranee and Grey with Mike- they pretty much are) and headed to the airport to get JMO.

JMO tricked me and is now staying in Houston for two weeks. This is probably the best gift I will get for Christmas. I’m wildly impressed with his ability to keep a secret. I want to reveal surprises as soon as I decide something will happen. I still have to work the next two weeks, but I will get to spend New Years with him and I am off then at least. We spent yesterday with the Oswalt family, we saw Four Christmases, went to dinner and played board games. AND Mr. O made me oatmeal raisen cookies, which are quite tastey.

I only have a few days left to get everything ready for Christmas, but so far the holiday season has treated me very kindly

Thank you for reading my excited holiday high ramble.